School District - Fall 2020 Reopening Plans

This page has been archived and may not contain current information

by Scott Jentsch

At the July 20, 2020 meeting of the School Board, the School District of New Berlin has approved the following two plans for students for the school year beginning in Fall 2020:

The vote was 5-2. A hybrid option that would involve rotations of days and/or students was not approved. From the District website:

Our goal is to have students return to school for in-person instruction, five days a week, with a full distance learning option available to families who want or require it.

Despite continued increasing numbers of coronavirus cases in Waukesha County, the District intended to bring students into school buildings beginning September 1, 2020. At the July 27, 2020 meeting of the School Board, it was announced that a hybrid model will be followed for the first two weeks of school, which is now beginning September 7 instead of September 1.

This situation requires parents to choose one option or the other, with little opportunity to make a change. This choice will be required by the District via a "Family Commitment Survey" that will distributed July 27-August 3, 2020.

While the disclaimer of "the situation is fluid" is mentioned often by District Administration, nonetheless, families will be expected to make an important choice, and be held to it, with only the information available. This depends on parents analyzing/predicting/guessing what the coronavirus situation will be on September 1, and their decision will be based on information provided to them by the School District about how each option will be implemented.

This information will hope to present the information that is available from Waukesha County and other health departments/organizations and what information is being made available by the School District. For research purposes, it is intended that other resources, such as the plans of neighboring school districts, will be made available as well.

The intent here is not necessarily to advocate for one option or the other, but to help parents make the best choice for their situation. It is also to serve as a centralized resource of information that others can use and reference as they see fit. When possible, summaries of questions and concerns from parents will be posted, along with any answers that we and/or parents have received from the District and School Administration members.


Please note: This site is not endorsed by nor maintained by the School District of New Berlin. For official information, please see the School District of New Berlin website.

Last Updated: Apr 15, 2022 - Archived on Apr 15, 2022


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Original School Opening Flowchart

The original School Opening Flowchart from the CDC - as of May 29, 2020. After revisions to CDC guidelines by the White House in July 2020, this flowchart can no longer be found.

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Please note: This site does not represent the City of New Berlin, the School District of New Berlin, or any other organization that may be referenced here. It is produced by citizens of New Berlin for the citizens of New Berlin, and is not endorsed by any of the aforementioned organizations.