School District - COVID-19

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School District - Fall 2020 Reopening Plans

At the July 20, 2020 meeting of the School Board, the School District of New Berlin has approved two plans for students for the school year beginning in Fall 2020. Find out what options are being considered, and find resources to help make the best possible decision for your student.

Jul 20, 2020
Apr 15, 2022
CDC recommends everyone ages 5 and older get a COVID-19 vaccine to help protect against COVID-19

As of November 4, 2021, the CDC recommends that everyone ages 5 and older get a COVID-19 vaccine to protect themselves and everyone around them against COVID-19.

This recommendation expands the previous age limit, which covers hundreds of children attending the four elementary schools in the School District of New Berlin.

Nov 8, 2021
Nov 8, 2021
The Danger of Partisanship and Divisiveness to School Districts

Partisanship and divisiveness threatens the fabric of our society, and School Districts and the Boards that manage them are no different. Read about what happened at a recent Board meeting, and how incidents around the country are causing School Board members to reconsider their service.

Aug 26, 2021
Aug 26, 2021
Proposal to Require Masks at Elementary Schools - August 23, 2021 Board Meeting

A Board member is proposing a change to the COVID Mitigation strategy in our elementary schools to protect students that cannot yet be vaccinated. This will be presented at the Aug 23, 2021 Board Meeting.

Aug 20, 2021
Aug 20, 2021
Privilege of the Floor Address re: Re-entry Planning and Mitigation Efforts - July 26, 2021

In anticipation of a meeting agenda item which included a presentation by the Superintendent for discussion/approval of "Recommended Re-entry Planning and Mitigation Efforts"

Jul 28, 2021
Aug 2, 2021
School District Makes Drastic Change to COVID-19 Mitigation Strategy

On May 18, 2021, the School Board voted to change the COVID-19 mitigation strategy for our schools that have been in place since the beginning of the school year. Read more details about the changes.

May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021
School District Superintendent Revises District COVID-19 Mitigation Strategy

Superintendent Joe Garza announced drastic changes to the COVID-19 mitigation strategy in schools just hours after an announcement from the CDC. Was it too much, too soon?

May 18, 2021
May 18, 2021
What Are Other School Districts Doing for Fall 2020?

How are other school districts handling the Fall 2020 school year? Find a list of districts with links to their plans.

Jul 26, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
Fall 2020 Reopening Plan - 100% In-Person - Information/Questions/Concerns

Information/Questions/Concerns about the School District plan to offer 100% In-Person Learning for students for the Fall 2020 school year.

Jul 26, 2020
Jul 27, 2020
Fall 2020 Reopening Plan - 100% Virtual - Information/Questions/Concerns

Information/Questions/Concerns about the School District plan to offer 100% Virtual Learning for students for the Fall 2020 school year.

Jul 26, 2020
Jul 27, 2020
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