City Proposes Expansion of Industrial Park in Section 35 (2012)

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Show Your Opposition to This Amendment!

The Common Council is meeting on Tuesday, February 28th at 7pm to discuss this issue (view more information), and we need as many people there as possible to show the city leaders, city staff, and others that we oppose industrial park expansion toward Sunny Slope Road!

Please attend the Common Council Meeting on 2/28 at 7pm!

What's Going On?

The city wants to expand the industrial park that is the "Westridge Business Park Expansion," which is located South of I-43 along the Moorland Road corridor.

The area affected by this expansion is bounded by Moorland Road, Grange Avenue, Sunny Slope Road, and College Avenue, and is referred to as Section 35. They want to convert 200 acres of land currently reserved for residential growth into land that can be developed for manufacturing, office, and retail space. Even though these plans have been in place for many years, and when the residents of Conservancy, High Grove, Hales Heights, High Point, Karrington Woods, Kelly Point, Sanctuary, Woodfield Park, and others asked about the plans for this area, we were told that it would be residential development.

As recently as 2008-2009, the city's 2020 Comprehensive Plan was developed and the Eastern portion of Section 35 was specifically designated for residential development, and the residents attending public meetings to review the plans confirmed their wishes for that use to be in place. The City of New Berlin is now attempting to exploit that land for commercial development at the expense of all those own homes in the area!

While it is not reasonable to expect full retention of agricultural uses in the long term, there is an opportunity to balance new development with the preservation of natural features.

The area in blue on the map to the right is the currently planned boundaries for the entire East portion of the Westridge Industrial Park. The area in red in the map to the right is the amount of residential land they want to convert to industrial park.

The total area of the "Westridge Business Park Expansion" industrial park as currently planned (the blue area) is about 270 acres. The area in red that they want to convert to industrial use is almost 201 acres.

Why the People of New Berlin Oppose This Amendment

  1. Property values will decrease
  2. The proposed residential barrier will likely only be multi-family units. Developers have stated that this small barrier would not accommodate single family homes in a cost-effective manner.
  3. There is the possibility that the business park/industrial area could expand to Sunny Slope Road
  4. Noise, safety, traffic, light pollution, and water drainage and pollution issues
  5. Close proximity of the elementary school — safety issue
  6. These issues adversely impact quality of life


Action needs to be taken now to oppose this amendment

Call Kenneth A. Harenda II (the Alderman that represents the area surrounding Section 35), Alderman Dave Ament, and Mayor Jack Chiovatero to tell them you oppose the proposal.

Dave Ament and Jack Chiovatero are also on the Plan Commission. It is also recommended you contact all the New Berlin Aldermen. They all have input.

Tell Mayor Chiovatero and Alderman Harenda the outcome of this proposal will determine how you vote in the upcoming elections for Alderman and Mayor.

Simply telling them to vote "no" is not enough, as it would be possible for some to vote "no" for appearance's sake, but the rest can vote "yes" to get this pushed through nonetheless.


Common Council MembersPhoneE-Mail
Mayor Jack Chiovatero (262) 797-2441
Alderman Kenneth A. Harenda II (262) 971-1048
Alderman Dave Ament (262) 544-4534
Alderman John Hopkins (262) 786-1213
Alderman Ronald Seidl (262) 784-1352
Alderman Deena Liska (262) 424-4886
Alderman Dennis Horbinski (262) 860-9052

Calling these officials is more effective than writing an E-Mail, but following up your phone call with an E-Mail to them is recommended. To send them an E-Mail, click on the individual member's E-Mail address above.

Petition Graphic

Sign the Petition!

Petitions are being circulated throughout the affected areas, and we need as many signatures as possible to show how many people are opposed to this drastic change in the plans for our part of New Berlin!

We're hoping to reach 1,000 homes, so watch for the volunteers carrying bright green ribbons! Petition forms also will be available at Matty's Bar & Grille on College Avenue.

Last Updated: Jan 25, 2012 - Archived on Dec 31, 2016

Green ribbon photo
Show your green ribbon to oppose this amendment!


Maps of Area

View New Berlin Westridge Industrial Park - Combined in a larger map


Photo of farm field
View photos related to this issue


Related Links


View a historical timeline of this proposal, with references to the 2020 Comprehensive Plan for the City

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Please note: This site does not represent the City of New Berlin, the School District of New Berlin, or any other organization that may be referenced here. It is produced by citizens of New Berlin for the citizens of New Berlin, and is not endorsed by any of the aforementioned organizations.