City Proposes Expansion of Industrial Park in Section 35 (2012) - Historical Timeline

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Following is a timeline of the City's stated intent and its plan for Section 35 and Neighborhood G, which is the portion of Section 35 which was designated for residential development, and is affected by the proposed amendment to expand commercial development into it.

Please Note: The purpose of this information is to present an accurate portrayal of how this issue was raised, and the steps it took to the current day. If any of this information is incorrect, please contact us so that we can get it corrected. The more facts there are available, the less chance there is for confusion, miscommunication, and inaccurate rumors.

Circa 1990's-2011

When incoming residents building or buying homes in the area of Section 35 inquire about what will happen in Section 35 (in the Eastern half), City staff members inform people that it is currently agricultural land, and will eventually be developed into residential property. Some residents were shown a plat map showing a proposed residential development.


The "Westridge Business Park Expansion," located South of I-43 along the Moorland Road corridor, is approved in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan.


The City's 2020 Comprehensive Plan is ratified, and states in no uncertain terms that the Western portion of Section 35 will be industrial/office/retail development, and the Eastern portion should be reserved for residential development, with special attention paid to the natural areas to keep them as natural as possible. Of special note are the policies for Neighborhood G and the comments and preferences found during subsequent Neighborhood Listening Sessions (see page 43 for the comments gathered during a March 18, 2008 meeting).

From the Listening Sessions (page 43):

Commercial Roadside, Office, and Light Industrial
Attendees at the meeting expressed no interest in having any of these uses in Neighborhood G.
Open Space
The majority of attendees felt prime agricultural farmland in Neighborhood G was valuable and contributed to the economic value and rural character of the neighborhood.
Attendees at the meeting expressed no interest in having commercial signage in this neighborhood since they did not want any commercial office, retail, or industrial uses.

As recently as 2008, residents were sending a very definitive and clear message that commercial development was not welcome in Neighborhood G and that keeping open space and farmland was essential to maintaining the character of the area.

July 28, 2011

Greg Kessler, Director of Community Development, sent a letter to the Mayor and Common Council recommending that the Plan Commission review and further study land use and development policies for Section 35:

With sewer service area and urban service area amendments pending, it would be in order to have the Plan Commission review and further study land use and development policies for the Section 35 and 34 areas. This would help to ensure compatible development along with maximizing development value for the City. The Plan Commission would provide recommendations to the Council after conducting their study and public participation efforts.

August 2, 2011

The issue was placed on the Common Council's agenda for the August 2, 2011 meeting:

Recommend approval of a referral to the Plan Commission for review and any recommendations with regard to the comprehensive plan and future development for the Section 35 and 34 areas (Neighborhoods "G" and "H".

In the video of this meeting, there were two presentations during Privilege of the Floor by New Berlin citizens concerning the sewer interceptor that crosses Section 35, and they mention that the interceptor could bring expanded commercial development in Section 35.

Alderman David Ament commented during the meeting about the sewer extension, and the fact that development of much of Section 35 is inevitable. Watch the video at the 13:00 minute mark for some of that discussion. It is possible that he was referring mainly to the Moorland Road corridor.

Alderman Ken Harenda's comments begin at the 15:00 mark, and he states that commercial development is in demand in the area. He says he doesn't want to "rush into such a proposal" and would like to gain input from residents on how that area "develops out" via Focus Group meetings. Additional comments are made in the "Committee of the Whole" meeting. See the video of that session for Alderman Harenda's comments concerning this topic (begin watching at the 01:21:20 mark and going to the 01:33:10 mark). He's very adamant about having neighborhood meetings to get input from area residents before going too far down the road. The Mayor recommended that the issue be sent to the Plan Commission with the provision not to take action until the Neighborhood Meetings are held.

The issue was referred to the Plan Commission. From the Minutes of the 8/2/2011 "Committee of the Whole" Meeting:

Motion by Alderman Harenda to Refer to the Plan Commission for review and any recommendations with regard to the comprehensive plan and future development for the Section 35 and 34 areas (Neighborhoods "G" and "H") but to allow Council time to hold neighborhood meetings prior to the Plan Commission taking this item up. Seconded by Alderwoman Karvala.

September 6, 2011

The Plan Commission had an item on their agenda for this meeting:

(4) GK PG-516(f) - Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Referral from the Common Council for review and any recommendations with regard to the comprehensive plan and future development for the Section 35 and 34 areas (Neighborhoods "G" and "H".

The link above is a letter dated August 23, 2011, which was drafted by Nikki Jones, Planning Services Manager, to the Plan Commission.

Greg Kessler recommended that the item be tabled pending the final planning processes for the sewer interceptor. He mentions in the video of the meeting (starting at about the 1:59:20 mark) that he was working with Alderman Harenda and the mayor about the development possibilities for Section 35. The issue was tabled by unanimous vote by the Plan Commission.

In the agendas for future Plan Commission meetings, this item was marked as "Pending"

December 27, 2011

A letter was sent to property owners in the area affected by this issue, notifying them of four planned Neighborhood Focus Group meetings:

At some point in time, a page was created on the City of New Berlin web site titled Section 35 - Comprehensive Plan Amendment, which contained some of the information presented at these meetings. A presentation was given by City staff and a consultant, and that presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats.

January 25, 2012

Seeing that their neighborhoods were being threatened with expanded manufacturing, commercial, office, and retail development much further East than ever planned, concerned residents starting banding together to express their displeasure with this proposal. A Google Group called "People of New Berlin" was created to help the group communicate.

February 8, 2012

A meeting at Matty's Bar & Grille attracted a large group of concerned residents and information was shared and plans were made for a petition to be circulated.

February 11, 2012

Petitions began circulating through the Karrington Woods and High Grove subdivisions and beyond. Initial response from the homeowners was overwhelmingly in opposition to any industrial park expansion in Neighborhood G/Section 35. Green ribbons on light posts and trees indicate solidarity in the opposition.

February 15, 2012

The City web site is updated with responses to some of the questions raised at the Focus Group meetings.

Ken Harenda II, 4th District Alderman, submitted a Requested Action Statement to Mayor Jack Chiovatero and fellow aldermen to "Rescind Common Council Action Taken on August 2,2011, regarding referral to the Plan Commission for the review and recommendations with regard to comprehensive plan amendments for the Sections 35 and 34 areas (Neighborhoods G and H." This will be presented at the Common Council meeting on February 28, 2012.

Last Updated: Feb 10, 2012 - Archived on Dec 31, 2016

Section 35

Current Plan

Current Future Land Use Plan

Proposed Change

Proposed Future Land Use Plan
200 acres added to the industrial park, bringing it to within 1,300 feet of Sunny Slope Road

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Please note: This site does not represent the City of New Berlin, the School District of New Berlin, or any other organization that may be referenced here. It is produced by citizens of New Berlin for the citizens of New Berlin, and is not endorsed by any of the aforementioned organizations.