School Board Meeting Agenda for May 8, 2023

This page has been archived and may not contain current information

Headline photo of School Board Meeting

The School Board will meet on Monday, May 8, 2023 in the Gymnasium at Ronald Reagan Elementary School (note that this is different than the usual meeting location at Eisenhower Middle High School). It will begin at 6pm with a closed session, followed by the open session at around 7pm.

The meetings are usually broadcast live on the District's YouTube channel. While this does not allow you to participate in person, or see the Board members up close or talk to them before or after the meeting, it's better than not having any information from the meeting at all. It's often interesting to see their body language and who is using their phones during discussions and presentations, which can't be seen on the video due to the low resolution of the video and the camera angle. You can hear them, however (as long as they remember to turn on their microphones), and their tone of voice can be informational.

For details, please see the agenda document (PDF).

Last Updated: May 20, 2023 - Archived on May 21, 2023

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