School Board Meeting and Workshop - Jun 13, 2022

This page has been archived and may not contain current information

Meeting Photo Graphic

The Board of Education will be meeting Monday, June 13, 2022 at Eisenhower Middle High School, 4333 S. Sunny Slope Road, in the school library. It will begin at 6:45pm with a closed session, followed by the open session at around 7pm. Before that meeting will be a work session that begins at 5:30pm.

Work Session Agenda

Subject to change after publication. See the School District of New Berlin website for the official reference.

1. Call to Order/Roll call

A. President's Script

2. Work Session

A. Refresher on Robert's Rules, Open Meeting Laws, Good Boardsmanship, etc.

3. Adjournment

Board Meeting Agenda

Subject to change after publication. See the School District of New Berlin website for the official reference.

1. President's Script

2. Call to Order

3. Roll Call - Recess to Closed Session

A. Recess to Closed Session

4. Closed Session Agenda

A. Approval of Closed Session Minutes of May 23

B. Employment Services Report

C. Return to Open Session

5. Return to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

6. Recognitions

A. Career Exploration Partnership Spotlight

B. Recognitions

7. Privilege of the Floor

A. Public Comment

8. President's Message and Announcements

9. Administrative Team Report

A. Superintendent's update

10. Consent Agenda

A. Notice

B. Approve Minutes of May 23

C. WASB Renewal

D. WIAA 2022-23 Membership Renewals

E. Overnight Field Trip - HOSA

11. Regular Agenda

A. Employment Services Update (Postponing until next meeting)

B. Preliminary 2022-23 Budget Presentation

C. Action on items discussed in Closed Session, if necessary

D. Future Meetings and Dates

12. Roll Call - Return to Closed Session (Continuation, if needed)

13. Call to Order - Return to Open Session (if needed)

14. Adjournment

A. Motion to Adjourn

Last Updated: Jun 13, 2022 - Archived on Jun 15, 2022

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