School Board Meeting Recap: April 25, 2022

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by Scott Jentsch

The School Board met April 25, 2022 in the Eisenhower Commons. First on the agenda was Board housekeeping, with the installation of three Board members as a result of the April 5, 2022 election, the election of Board officers, and the appointments of members to various duties.

Existing Board members Janet Schulz and Mitch Helmer and incoming Board member Renee Koneck took the oath of office as the newly elected School Board members, administered by Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley. The Board then elected its President, Vice-President, Clerk, and Treasurer. Given the fact that five of the seven Board members have formed a super-majority faction, it will surprise no one that all officer positions remained as they were before, with Schulz once again acting as President, Helmer as Vice President, Jeffrey Kurth as Clerk, and Ron Seidl as Treasurer. Amy Crosby was appointed as CESA 1 Annual Convention Delegate, Kurth as Liaison to the New Berlin City Council, and Krislyn Holaday-Wondrachek as the WASB Representative.

In her first "President's Message" as the newly-reelected Board President, Schulz covered topics around the Board's activities and how they adhere to open meetings laws. She also addressed an issue that was raised at the April 11, 2022 School Board Meeting, where Vice-President Helmer was exposed for having a conflict of interest involving the proposed curriculum that was being voted upon at that meeting. Since he indicated that he took it upon himself to contact School District counsel to inquire about his conflict of interest, he incurred billable time that was charged to the School District (and, by extension, taxpayers). Schulz indicated that, in the future, all Board members need to contact her or the Superintendent before contacting the District lawyer about any issues.

Wondrachek asked about the fact that this was a de facto policy being enacted without an official policy being adopted by the Board and that it isn't how she felt the Board should be legislating. As often happens in matters that are uncomfortable for the President, her concerns were pushed aside and Schulz proceeded with the meeting agenda.

Schulz also notified the Board that she would like to invite the Board's attorney to provide the Board members with an hour-long informational session on open meetings law, Robert's Rules of Order, and "Boardsmanship." The Board did not indicate any objection to that session.

A 6th-grader from Ronald Reagan Elementary School gave a presentation updating the Board on recent events and activities at the school. She highlighted the school's year-long emphasis on kindness-centered activities to foster a positive school environment. Students raised money to sponsor animals at the Milwaukee County Zoo and they held a Random Acts of Kindness Week. They also collected pennies to honor former teacher Mr. Michaud who lost his battle with leukemia in November, and the money collected will be going toward a scholarship fund for high school students. They are currently holding an all-school reading event, where every family received the same book (Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein), courtesy of the Home and School Association. They even have a website that provides related information and resources connected with this year's event!

This presentation was the highlight of the meeting, and kudos to the presenter for doing a wonderful job!

The Student Representative from New Berlin West High School and Middle School provided an update on activities at the school. Superintendent Joe Garza was not in attendance, but Chief Academic Officer Kellie Sanders talked about their implementation plan for the recently-approved English Language Arts curriculum.

Chief Financial Officer Patrick Miller provided some details about recent debt payments and refinancing activities. The interest rates on some debt was reduced in the last two years, resulting in $512,000 in interest savings. Paying off some callable debt in March that will save the District $259,000 in interest payments and reduce the District's overall indebtedness by 14%. He did not remind those in attendance where the money came from, which would have been good to note, as it would be good to remind everyone where the funding came from for the debt payment. (The funds came from the General Fund, which was approved at the December 6, 2021 meeting.)

The Donations Report is often interesting, in that it helps to show the tremendous support from groups and individuals within the District, but also from organizations and individuals in the community that are supporting our students. The Poplar Creek PTO donated almost $1,700 for art supplies, the New Berlin West High School Football Bosters donated $3,225 for football equipment, and $3,000 was donated to support the Robotics team at New Berlin West. All totaled, over $9,000 was donated in support of our students in the past month.

The next School Board meeting was scheduled for May 9, 2022 at Orchard Lane, which will include a building tour.

WASB Representative Wondrachek mentioned to the Board members that WASB is holding Board member training sessions that would be valuable for all Board members to attend and recommended everyone to attend either an in-person or virtual session being held soon.

In a fitting bookend move for the President's lecture at the beginning of the meeting about sharpening attention to Robert's Rules of Order, President Schulz attempted to adjourn to Closed Session with only a motion and a second, without taking the roll of the entire Board for approval. After being reminded, she took the roll and the meeting adjourned to Closed Session.

Last Updated: Apr 27, 2022

Meeting Video


April 25, 2022 Meeting Agenda

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