School Board Meeting Recap: March 14, 2022

by Scott Jentsch

Monday's School Board meeting at New Berlin West Middle/High School included a recognition of the school's DECA and Academic Decathlon students, a presentation by the school's administrators and a school tour, and a funding update of ESSER funds from the federal government to alleviate COVID-related expenses.

The video of the meeting is available on the District's YouTube channel, but it's very dark. I've included some photos here (which I'll caption with some more info), and you can download the presentation slides from the District website as well. (See the Resources section on this page)

Meeting Photo 1

Spanish Teacher & Academic Decathlon coach Nicole Thompson presenting the Academic Decathlon students, who became Division 2 Champions this year at the State competition.


Meeting Photo 2

A slide from the New Berlin West school update presentation. The full presentation video can be seen on the District's YouTube channel, and the slides can be found on the District's website. (links in the comments)


Meeting Photo 3

Board members during the New Berlin West school update presentation. Put your phone away, Mr. Helmer!


Meeting Photo 4

Principal Michael Fesenmaier showing the new PhabLab, with 3D printers, robotics, and other technology. The Education Foundation of New Berlin helped make this room possible through a fundraising campaign.


Meeting Photo 5

Students painted the wall in this room. 

I didn't hear what room this was, can anyone tell me?


Meeting Photo 6

The inside of the fieldhouse, with the co-branding as a result of a $15,000 / year (10 year) sponsorship with Drexel Building Supply. There is additional branding on the outside of the building and more vinyl decals in the concession/lobby area.

I asked at a previous meeting, and was told that the signage was not paid for out of the $15,000 amount for this year.


Meeting Photo 7

A slide from the "ESSER update" portion of the agenda.


Last Updated: Apr 15, 2022


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