Proposal to Require Masks at Elementary Schools - August 23, 2021 Board Meeting

This page has been archived and may not contain current information

by Scott Jentsch

The School Board will be meeting (as usual) on Monday, August 23, 2021, and there is a proposal on the agenda that I think has merit and should be discussed and considered, especially in light of the current situation since the July 26 meeting.

In short, it says:

"Require masking for all people within all four (4) elementary school buildings, only until six (6) weeks after the COVID vaccine becomes available to children ages 5-11"

If you support protecting our elementary school students until a vaccine is available to them, please add your name to the survey below:

This proposal is consistent with my address to the School Board on July 26, 2021, asking the Board to protect those that are unvaccinated in our schools. Since no vaccine has been approved for use with children under 12, every child in our four elementary schools is at risk. Since the July meeting, Waukesha County has gone from "Substantial" Level of Community Transmission to "High" and schools around the country that have already opened are seeing cases increase and quarantining of both children and staff members.

If we want to "stay safe to stay open" we need to take this step to protect the children in our schools that are not able to receive the vaccine yet.

If you agree, please add your name to the survey!

Last Updated: Aug 20, 2021 - Archived on Dec 31, 2022


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