Voting Information for the 2024 Spring Election

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Tuesday, April 2, 2024 is election day in New Berlin!

Exercise your right and your duty to vote by becoming an informed voter! The State of Wisconsin Elections Commission has information to help you register, find out what's on the ballot for your address, request an absentee ballot, and to learn when and where to vote. The information and resources on this page will help you get you started.

Please note that this is not a comprehensive guide to everything you'll need for voting. It's a starting place, and we encourage you to find out as much as you need in order to be an informed and active voter.

Are You Registered to Vote?

The first important step is registering to vote. You can register online, in person, and by mail (but only up to 20 days before an election). The City of New Berlin website has a page that can help you with the requirements for registration and instructions for registering.

Don't let those who want to make it more difficult for people to vote to keep you from exercising your right to do so. Jump through their hoops and use your power as a voting citizen to determine how you are governed!

Voter ID

You'll need a valid ID to vote. Be sure that the ID you have qualifies as a valid ID. If you have questions about this, please contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission or the New Berlin City Clerk Department for more information.

The Department of Transportation provides a free ID for Voting. Learn how to request this ID or call the Voter ID hotline (844-588-1069) for assistance.

In-Person Voting on Election Day

Polling places have changed recently in New Berlin. Make sure that you know where to go and what the hours are for the polling location by visiting Find My Polling Place.

If you need a ride to the polling place, reach out to friends and neighbors and go together! The New Berlin Senior Taxi is available to seniors and disabled adults who need transportation.

Absentee Voting Information

Wisconsin voters can receive their absentee ballot by mail or you can vote early in the Clerk's office. When you complete your absentee ballot, make sure that you follow all the instructions very carefully. Not doing so could allow someone to challenge the validity of your ballot and cancel your vote. Don't lose your vote on a technicality!

Request an Absentee Ballot by March 28, 2024

If you are a regular voter who would like to vote in the 2024 Spring Election and Presidential Preference Vote, make sure to submit your request for an absentee ballot by March 28, 2024.

If you would like an absentee ballot sent to you for every election, you can request automatic absentee ballots.

Last Updated: Feb 13, 2024


For More Information/Assistance

New Berlin City Clerk

Rubina R. Medina - 262-786-8610

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Please note: This site does not represent the City of New Berlin, the School District of New Berlin, or any other organization that may be referenced here. It is produced by citizens of New Berlin for the citizens of New Berlin, and is not endorsed by any of the aforementioned organizations.