Residential Subdivision Proposed South of Red Fox Crossing Near Grange & Sunny Slope

Screenshot of subdivision plan

by Scott Jentsch

A residential subdivision is being proposed for the land just south of the Red Fox Crossing subdivision near Grange Avenue and Sunny Slope Road. This development has been expected since Red Fox Crossing was proposed, so it was just a matter of time until plans were submitted and the process toward seeing construction projects began.

The Plan Commission will be discussing the proposed development at its August 14, 2023 meeting. The parcel was created in April, when a larger parcel was divided into two parcels, which allowed a residential property to be separated from this seventeen-acre lot. A site walk of the tentatively-titled Theofila Estates Concept Subdivision was held August 1 with the Plan Commission and members of the public invited.

The planned subdivision will be located just north of the city's planned park that has begun construction, with a parking lot and grassy areas currently in place. See the map of the area on this page to see where it's located. This area has quite a history, so please see our dedicated sections titled Development - Section 35 and Development - Section 35 Park for more information.

The meeting is just a discussion of the proposal, and it does not appear that any action will be taken. For more information about what has been done related to this project from the city's perspective, please see the Meeting Agenda link in the Related Links section on this page, and view the Agenda Packet, beginning at page 309.

Image above: Screenshot from the Plan Commission Meeting Packet

Our Quick Take

This comes as no surprise, and a sensible extension of the Red Fox Crossing subdivision is logical. Its proximity to the park should make the properties very attractive to homeowners and residential development is much better than having to stave off another industrial park plan like what happened in 2012. Extending the walking path along Sunny Slope Road will mean that there will be a nearly uninterrupted walking path on the west side of Sunny Slope Road between Grange Avenue and College Avenue, save for the small aforementioned residential parcel next to this development, and the parcel on the corner of Sunny Slope and College.

Last Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Map of Area

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