Moorland Road Expansion - College Avenue to Grange Ave./Small Rd. (2026)

Moorland Road Photo

Updated by Scott Jentsch

Waukesha County is planning to expand Moorland Road between College Avenue (CTH HH) on the South and Grange Avenue / Small Road on the North.

According to the Moorland Rd projects 2020-27 page on the Waukesha County website, this project is scheduled for 2026.

Public Involvement Meeting on February 29, 2024 - Notes

I attended the Public Involvement Meeting on February 29, 2024 at City Hall. As usual for these events, city and county staff members were on hand to answer questions and hear feedback. Maps and illustrations were displayed on easels, and large satellite views of the affected areas were laid on the tables.

The maps and other documents can be downloaded from the Waukesha County project page via the link at the top labeled "New: Public Info Materials" The overview on page 4 of that document will show the entire affected area between College Avenue to the south, to Small Road/Grange Avenue to the north.

Map OverviewMap Overview of the Construction Area

My takeaways from the materials and the conversations that I had:

The county needs to hear from affected residents so that they don't pursue a full closure of Moorland Road. They are taking comments until March 28, 2024.

Unfortunately, the feedback form provided at the meeting is not available on the county's project page. I scanned a copy of it, so you can download and complete the Moorland Road Expansion Feb 29, 2024 PIM Feedback Form and send it to them by postal mail or E-Mail.

If you would like to discuss this issue, please visit our Facebook page!


Public Involvement Meeting at City Hall Scheduled for February 29, 2024

Waukesha County is sending postcards out notifying the recipients of a Public Information Meeting happening at New Berlin City Hall Council Chambers on Thursday, February 29, 2024 from 4:30pm - 6:30pm. For whatever reason, as of February 21, 2024, this information is not available on the relevant project page on the Waukesha County website and is not on the Events Calendar on the City of New Berlin website.

According to the information on the postcard, the meeting will be an open-house format, where citizens may stop in during the posted times and view information, speak with project staff, ask questions, and provide feedback. The focus of the meeting is "to hear the community's input regarding roadway design alternatives." Construction is still planned to begin in 2026.

Postcard scan

Image: Postcard sent by Waukesha County announcing the Public Information Meeting

Project Summary

(from the Waukesha County website, project summary document dated January 20, 2023)

The project will add the additional lanes to Moorland Road, between CTH HH (College Avenue) and Grange Avenue to create the planned 4-lane roadway. The roadway will remain on its current alignment and is anticipated to be situated within the existing 130-foot-wide corridor. The improvement project is necessary to address growing local and regional traffic volumes, and to enhance traffic flow and safety.

This 1.2 mile long project limits begin approximately 1000 feet south of CTH HH (College Avenue) and end approximately 1000 feet north of Grange Avenue and will involve:

Improvements may include:

In coordination with the city of New Berlin, the feasibility for incorporating sidewalks will be evaluated. Access to businesses and property owners adjacent to Moorland Road will be maintained during construction.

Anticipated Schedule

Data Gathering and Design – Summer 2022 – summer 2024
Public Involvement Meeting #1 – Early 2023
Public Involvement Meeting #2 – Spring 2024 (February 29, 2024)
Public Involvement Meeting #3 – Spring 2025
Real Estate – Spring/Summer 2024
Project LET – December 2024
Construction – 2026 (see "Updates" section below)


Nov 23, 2023 - The county's 2020-2027 project page lists this project as scheduled for 2026 instead of tentatively 2025. The project detail page still has references to 2025.

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2024


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Please note: This site does not represent the City of New Berlin, the School District of New Berlin, or any other organization that may be referenced here. It is produced by citizens of New Berlin for the citizens of New Berlin, and is not endorsed by any of the aforementioned organizations.