2019 School Referendum

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Quoted from the school district's web site:

On the April 2 ballot, the School District of New Berlin’s Board of Education will ask residents if they support increasing the revenue limit by $5 million in each of the next five years.

The additional taxpayer funds would be used to maintain the district’s level of excellence and upward trajectory by allowing the SDNB to:

  • Erase structural deficits by paying toward debt within the operating budget;
  • remain proactive in terms of funding long-range plans, which includes facilities and equipment replacement, safety, technology infrastructure and support, and curriculum and instructional resources;
  • continue to pay employees fair and competitive wages to attract and retain the highest-quality staff possible.

The specific question voters will see on the April 2 ballot is:

"Shall the School District of New Berlin, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $5 million per year for the 2019-20 school year through the 2023-24 school year, for non-recurring purposes consisting of operational expenses, including paying debt within the operating budget; funding long-range plans for facilities, equipment, safety, technology infrastructure, and curriculum and instruction; and fair and competitive staff compensation?"

Information about the 2019 Referendum -- nbexcellence.org

Referendum Voting Results

As of May 1, 2019, there were 27,789 registered voters in New Berlin, Wisconsin. With 11,768 votes cast (42.4%), the referendum failed by margin of 624 votes.

 Votes% of Votes Cast% of Registered Voters
Approve 5,572 47.4% 20.1%
Reject 6,192 52.7% 22.3%

Last Updated: Sep 23, 2019 - Archived on Sep 23, 2019

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Please note: This site does not represent the City of New Berlin, the School District of New Berlin, or any other organization that may be referenced here. It is produced by citizens of New Berlin for the citizens of New Berlin, and is not endorsed by any of the aforementioned organizations.