Suggestion for Improving Public Participation - School Board Meeting: Apr 12, 2021

by Scott Jentsch

My comments to you tonight have to do with increasing public participation in these meetings.

We run into a bit of a paradox in this regard, because few people attend on a regular basis, but when something compels them to do so, their participation is not met with the welcome that is deserved.

In fact, I tried to attend the March 22 meeting and deliver comments to you at this podium, but was not able to because of your attendance restrictions. If only we had an auditorium in this building capable of holding everyone who wanted to participate…

That said, I’m glad to be able to address you now, because I think the public wants to participate at a greater level, and it would be a mistake to lose the value that opportunity presents to you. It is in your power to show them that you encourage their participation by providing more ways for that participation to happen.

Currently, this time period is the only time the public has to address you and have any say in the ongoing activity of the School Board. If I were interested in one of the agenda items tonight, say the item labeled “Discuss/Approve Policy 5630 - Corporal Punishment” this is my opportunity to let you know what I think about what you’re about to discuss and approve.

Except that I have no idea what the proposed changes are to Policy 5630. The BoardDocs site only lists the agenda item, with no supporting documentation. That gives me no way to provide you with any useful perspective or guidance.

There are two opportunities with this example:

  1. You could list the proposed changes to Policy 5630 in the BoardDocs agenda, so that we could review them and comment during Privilege of the Floor or by E-Mail before the meeting.
  2. You could modify your public comment policy by welcoming input from the public on listed agenda items. A neighboring benchmark school district does this by allowing public statements “Prior to voting on action items or prior to close of Board discussion, the Board President will call the name on the form.” Requests to make these statements are done similar to how Privilege of the Floor is done here now.

Making these two simple changes would improve public participation by welcoming the perspectives and feedback from the community you are tasked to serve. These aren’t new and revolutionary changes, because they’re being done successfully by another school district.

If you are serious about wanting more people in these chairs at these meetings, please consider making changes such as these to make those people feel welcome and useful. I think you’ll find the rewards outweigh the effort.

Thank you.


Follow-up to Privilege of the Floor Comments

I submitted the following information via the Contact Board of Education form immediately following the meeting, so that the School Board members would have additional background information:

Following up on my Privilege of the Floor comments tonight, I wanted to provide the example of what I was proposing so that you could see it in action.

The Elmbrook School Board welcomes public input in two ways at Board meetings.

The first is the Citizen's Forum, which is similar to Privilege of the Floor at SDNB meetings currently. Comments during this time are limited to topics not on the agenda at that night's meeting. It is described as follows:

"Citizens' Forum is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on matters that fall within the legal authority and proper business of the Board, provided such matters do not appear elsewhere on the agenda."

The second is during the meeting, for comments on the items on the agenda:

To speak to the Board during Citizens' Forum, or on any action or discussion item that is on tonight’s agenda:


* Please obtain and return a completed “Request to Speak to the Board” form to the Board Secretary (table at entrance to Board Room).

* Prior to voting on action items or prior to close of Board discussion, the Board President will call the name on the form.

* Please step to the podium, state your name, whether you are a resident of the District, and make your comments.

* The Board President may set a time limit for those requesting to speak.

I think this approach is an excellent way for the community to participate in meetings at a higher level. Any measure that increases public engagement in the process of conducting the business of the School District is worth considering. I believe that it will pay dividends many times over, especially as more in the community realize that you are sincere about welcoming community involvement and increasing public engagement.

I would be interested to hear when you could implement this approach, and any comments you may have about this idea.

Last Updated: Apr 15, 2022


"neighboring benchmark school district" = Elmbrook School District. Their "Citizen's Forum" approach allows for general comments from the public to be given at the beginning of the meeting, and agenda-specific comments would be heard while that agenda item was being discussed and before any vote was taken on action items.

Meeting Video

Privilege of the Floor: 1:23:58

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