Traffic Signal at Grange Avenue and Sunny Slope Road

This page has been archived and may not contain current information

Map of Intersection

In 2021, the City rebuilt the intersection of Grange Avenue and Sunny Slope Road. In addition to reconstructing the intersection, traffic lights were installed, replacing the four-way stop signs.


December 8, 2021

With the full activation of the traffic lights, this project is now complete!

November 24, 2021

The intersection has been opened to traffic again! The traffic lights will be flashing red until December 8.

November 11, 2021

Heard back from the City. They are hoping that the intersection will reopen by November 20, 2021. It will reopen with stop signs, and then stop lights will be installed (waiting for WE Energies to run power) as flashing four-way red lights, and then fully operational. The timeline for total completion is not known, and will likely depend upon weather and other factors.

November 3, 2021

Curbs have been poured, and the road surface appears to be ready for asphalt. We're checking with the City about a possible reopening date.

August 16, 2021

The intersection has been closed and traffic is being detoured. Signs in adjacent subdivisions warn drivers that they are open for "local traffic only" so have some compassion for people in those subdivisions and follow marked detours instead of shortcutting through neighborhoods. Completion date is "November" with no more details available.

May 18, 2021

Per the Road Construction & Maintenance section of the City of New Berlin website, construction on this project will start in "mid-June 2021, after the end of the school year, and be completed by the end of November 2021."

The City will be reconstructing the intersection of Sunny Slope Road and Grange Avenue. The project is expected to start in mid-June 2021, after the end of the school year, and be completed by the end of November 2021. Partial intersection closures due to utility relocations are expected prior to the project. The work will include; widening of the intersection to include a through, left, and right turn lane on each approach, traffic signals, a pedestrian path on the west side of Sunny Slope Road from Nicolet Drive to Grange Avenue, and creating a right-out only access to the Grange Avenue Frontage Road. The intersection will be closed to traffic throughout the project. A detour route utilizing College Avenue, Moorland Road, and Beloit Road will be posted. 

Sunny Slope Road & Grange Avenue Overview (PDF)

February 27, 2020

According to the agenda posted, the Common Council will be voting on a "Relocation Order for the reconstruction of Sunny Slope Road and Grange Avenue Intersection" at its meeting on February 27, 2020.

The attached Staff Report mentions that the construction will take place in 2021, following the reconstruction of Moorland Road and Beloit Road being undertaken by Waukesha County.

September 24, 2019

The topic is on the agenda for the September 24, 2019 Common Council meeting:

ITEM 12-19 Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the design contract to reconstruct and signalize the intersection of Sunny Slope Road and Grange Avenue.

The executive summary attached to the agenda indicates that "The project design will be completed in December of 2019 and will be ready for bid as early as the spring of 2020." It might get pushed to 2021.

December 11, 2018

The topic was on the agenda for the December 11, 2018 Common Council meeting. (View the minutes from the meeting.)

Motion by Alderman Seidl to approve ITEM 15-18, the awarding of a Professional Services Design Contract to the most responsive, qualified consultant, Strand Associates for the design to reconstruct and signalize the Sunny Slope Road and Grange Avenue intersection in an amount of $112,625, with contingencies not to exceed Total Project Costs are $125,000 from the Section 35 Improvements CIP Account 04251100 63000 C2017. Seconded by Alderman Harenda.

Motion Passed 7 to 0


Last Updated: Jan 10, 2024 - Archived on Dec 31, 2019



November 24, 2021

Photo of intersection

November 8, 2021


October 12, 2021




August 25, 2021





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